How to create calendar with MS.Word
It's easy to create calendar with MS.Word, let's go.
1.File >> New... --> Templates On my computer... on the right hand side (if you want to choose more templates, select Templates on Office Online (you must connect the internet)
2.In the Templates window, go to Other Documents, choose Calendar Wizard and choose Create New Document then OK
3.It's the window, go next step by click Next
4.Choose the favorite style, then click Next
5.choose vertical and horizontal and choose you want to have side space or not
6. select how many month do you want to make the calendar(Now, do only a month)
7.Put the button Finish to cuztomize your calendar
8.If you like the calendar, click save
9.If want to customize your calendar, click the picture and choose Insert >> Picture >> From File... and select the picture you want.
10.If you want to custom your font, hilight section you want to edit and Format >> Font... then choose font you want
11.If want to edit shape --> click a date and double click on the outer border(notice cursor will be + shape) and edit Format AutoShape as want
12.If Finish, the calendar will like this.
13.If you want to fill a background go to Format >> Background >> Fill Affects... >> Picture and choose the picture
14.If you finish, it's will like this.